Legal Disclaimer

Houndstooth Capital Management

External Email Disclaimer

This communication is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument or as an official confirmation of any transaction, unless specifically agreed otherwise. All market prices/yields, data or other information are not warranted as to completeness or accuracy and are subject to change without notice. Any comments or statements made herein do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Houndstooth Capital Management LLC. Houndstooth Capital Management LLC accepts no liability for any errors or omissions arising as a result of transmission. Use of this communication by other than the intended recipients is prohibited. It is important that you do not use e-mail to request, authorize or affect the purchase or sale of any security, to send fund transfer instructions, or to effect any other transactions. We will not accept such orders or instructions. The information contained herein is based on sources believed to be reliable but its accuracy has not been verified. This e-mail is not an official trade confirmation for transactions executed for your account. Your e-mail message is not private in that it is subject to review by the Firm, its officers, agents and employees. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. Nothing in the content of this e-mail should be considered a specific investment, tax or legal advice.